DANBO adalah kependekan dari Danboard, dibuat dari kertas karton board. Boneka ini adalah kreasi dari Azuma Kiyohiko seorang komikus serial manga Yotsuba. Bentuk boneka ini sangat unik, yaitu action figure dengan penampilan seperti manusia dengan ukuran mini 7 cm dan 13 cm. Siapa pun pasti akan merasa gemas ketika melihat si Danbo ini. Bagaimana tidak DANBO dapat digerakkan secara manual dan dibentuk dengan berbagai macam gaya unik.
Perusahaan yang membuatnya menggunakan teknologi tinggi di setiap persendian boneka ini sehingga membuatnya mampu bergerak luwes. Ekspresi dari si kardus imut ini menjadi daya tarik utama. Danbo sendiri di jepang dijual dengan harga mulai dari 5000 yen atau sekitar Rp. 500.000 rupiah per bijinya. Dalam serial manganya danbo mungil ini dapat bergerak ketika ada koin yang dimasukan kedalam mulutnya. Anda tertarik memilikinya? Saat ini boneka kardus ini bisa dipesan Online di Amazon.jp. Dasar Danbo, bikin gemes aja. Berikut picture Danbo diambil dalam berbagai pose yang menggemaskan.
1. Danbo ishoo to Mama papa, Shanpo suru, Kawai ne..ne papa, ore wa kakkoi deshou?
2. Danbo, asobu..minna danbo to ashobimashou..\(^0^)/
3. Minna, danbo tasukete kudasaine, coin wo kudasaine..kawaii
4. Nani mitanda? Kakkoi otoko mita koto ga nai deshou?
5. Watashi no namae wa danbo sama de arimasu, Danbo-sama de yonde kudasai. yoroshiku onegai shimasu..
Minggu, 06 November 2011
kamus Gaul
yabr - you are being replaced
ygbsm - you've gotta be shittin' me
ymmv - your mileage may vary
yrr - you 'r' right
yvmw - you're very much welcome
adn - any day now
afaik - as far as i know
afk - away from keyboard
aka - also known as
atm - according to me
attn - attention
afaik - as far as i know
afk - away from keyboard
aka - also known as
atm - according to me
attn - attention
bak - back at the keyboard
bbiab - be back in a bit
bbl - be back later
bbs - be back soon
bfn - bye for now
bif - basis in fact
bion - believe it or not
bl - belly laughing
brb - be right back
bta - but then again
btt - back to topic
bbiab - be back in a bit
bbl - be back later
bbs - be back soon
bfn - bye for now
bif - basis in fact
bion - believe it or not
bl - belly laughing
brb - be right back
bta - but then again
btt - back to topic
btw - by the way
cmiiw - correct me if i'm wrong
cu - see you
cua - common user access
cul - see you later
cwyl - chat with ya later
cyo - see you online
cu - see you
cua - common user access
cul - see you later
cwyl - chat with ya later
cyo - see you online
dba - doing business as
diku? - do i know you?
Dityid? - did i tell you i'm distressed?
Dtrt - do the right thing
diku? - do i know you?
Dityid? - did i tell you i'm distressed?
Dtrt - do the right thing
emfbi - excuse me for butting in
eom - end of message
eos - end of show
eot - end of thread
eom - end of message
eos - end of show
eot - end of thread
ftf - face to face
faq - frequently asked question(s)
fish - first in, still here
fomcl - falling off my chair laughing
fud - fear, uncertainty & doubt
fwiw - for what it's worth
fya - for your amusement
fyeo - for your eyes only
fyi - for your information
faq - frequently asked question(s)
fish - first in, still here
fomcl - falling off my chair laughing
fud - fear, uncertainty & doubt
fwiw - for what it's worth
fya - for your amusement
fyeo - for your eyes only
fyi - for your information
ga - go ahead
gal - get a life
gigo - garbage in, garbage out
giwist - gee, i wish i'd said that
gmta - great minds think alike
gol - giggling out loud
grd - grinning, running & ducking
gtg - got to go
gws - get well soon
gtrm - going to read mail
gal - get a life
gigo - garbage in, garbage out
giwist - gee, i wish i'd said that
gmta - great minds think alike
gol - giggling out loud
grd - grinning, running & ducking
gtg - got to go
gws - get well soon
gtrm - going to read mail
hhok - ha ha, only kidding
hhos - ha ha, only serious
hng - horny net geek
htd - have to disagree...
Hth - hope this helps
hthbe - hope this has been enlightening
hhos - ha ha, only serious
hng - horny net geek
htd - have to disagree...
Hth - hope this helps
hthbe - hope this has been enlightening
iac - in any case
iag - i'm a genius
iae - in any event
ianal - i am not a lawyer
ic - i see
icam - i couldn't agree more
id - i disagree
iha - i hate acronyms
iirc - if i remember correctly
ily or ilu - i love you
imao - in my arrogant opinion
imco - in my considered opinion
imho - in my humble opinion
imnsho - in my not so humble opinion
imo - in my opinion
iow - in other words
ipn - i'm posting naked
irl - in real life
irt - in real time
ita - i totally agree
itd - i totally disagree
itrw - in the real world
iag - i'm a genius
iae - in any event
ianal - i am not a lawyer
ic - i see
icam - i couldn't agree more
id - i disagree
iha - i hate acronyms
iirc - if i remember correctly
ily or ilu - i love you
imao - in my arrogant opinion
imco - in my considered opinion
imho - in my humble opinion
imnsho - in my not so humble opinion
imo - in my opinion
iow - in other words
ipn - i'm posting naked
irl - in real life
irt - in real time
ita - i totally agree
itd - i totally disagree
itrw - in the real world
jat - just a thought
japri - jalur pribadi
jfu - just for you
jic - just in case
jk - just kidding (or joke)
jmho - just my humble opinion
jmo - just my opinion
japri - jalur pribadi
jfu - just for you
jic - just in case
jk - just kidding (or joke)
jmho - just my humble opinion
jmo - just my opinion
kwim? - know what i mean?
l8r - later
lbay - laughing back at you
ld - later dude
ldr - long-distance relationship
llta - lots and lots of thunderous applause
lmao - lauging my ass off
lol - laughing out loud or lots of luck
lolbay - laughing out loud back at you
ltm - laugh to myself
ltns - long time no see
lbay - laughing back at you
ld - later dude
ldr - long-distance relationship
llta - lots and lots of thunderous applause
lmao - lauging my ass off
lol - laughing out loud or lots of luck
lolbay - laughing out loud back at you
ltm - laugh to myself
ltns - long time no see
m/f? - male or female?
Mego - my eyes glazed over
mhoty - my hat's off to you
mink - multiple income no kids
mmha2u - my most humble apologies to you
moos or motos - member of the opposite sex
moss or motss - member of the same sex
motd - message of the day
moto - member of the opposant
mud - multi-user dungeon (or dimension)
Mego - my eyes glazed over
mhoty - my hat's off to you
mink - multiple income no kids
mmha2u - my most humble apologies to you
moos or motos - member of the opposite sex
moss or motss - member of the same sex
motd - message of the day
moto - member of the opposant
mud - multi-user dungeon (or dimension)
nbif - no basis in fact
nbir - no basis in reality
nw - no way
np - no problem
nrn - no reply necessary
nbir - no basis in reality
nw - no way
np - no problem
nrn - no reply necessary
oic - oh, i see
oll - on-line love
omg - oh my god
oot - out of topic
ootb - out of the box
opm - other people's money
otf - on the floor
otoh - on the other hand
otooh - on the other, other hand
otp - on the phone
otth - on the third hand
ottomh - off the top of my head
otw - on the way
oll - on-line love
omg - oh my god
oot - out of topic
ootb - out of the box
opm - other people's money
otf - on the floor
otoh - on the other hand
otooh - on the other, other hand
otp - on the phone
otth - on the third hand
ottomh - off the top of my head
otw - on the way
pans - pretty awesome new stuff
pc - politically correct or personal computer
pda - public display of affection
pdq - pretty darn quick
pebcak - problem exists between chair and keyboard
pgb - pengertiannya gitu bang
pi or pic - politically incorrect
pita - pain in the ass
pmfji - pardon me for jumping in
pmji - pardon my jumping in
pots - plain old telephone service (or pretty old tired stuff)
pov - point of view
ppl - peed pants laughing or people
pc - politically correct or personal computer
pda - public display of affection
pdq - pretty darn quick
pebcak - problem exists between chair and keyboard
pgb - pengertiannya gitu bang
pi or pic - politically incorrect
pita - pain in the ass
pmfji - pardon me for jumping in
pmji - pardon my jumping in
pots - plain old telephone service (or pretty old tired stuff)
pov - point of view
ppl - peed pants laughing or people
rl - real life
roar - laughing as loud as a lion
rofl - rolling on floor laughing
rp - romantic partner
rpg - role playing games
rsn - real soon now
rtm - read the manual or message
rw - real world
ryo - roll your own
roar - laughing as loud as a lion
rofl - rolling on floor laughing
rp - romantic partner
rpg - role playing games
rsn - real soon now
rtm - read the manual or message
rw - real world
ryo - roll your own
sink - single income no kids
sitd - still in the dark
so - significant other
sol - smiling out loud
somy? - sick of me yet?
Sos - someone on shoulder
std - sick to death
sts - sorry to say
sitd - still in the dark
so - significant other
sol - smiling out loud
somy? - sick of me yet?
Sos - someone on shoulder
std - sick to death
sts - sorry to say
taf - that's all folks
tafn - that's all for now
tanstaafl - there ain't no such thing as a free lunch
tbh - to be honest
tcn - take care now
tfh - thread from hell
tfi - the fact is
tfm - thanks from me
tfmt - thanks from me too
tfs - thank for sharing
tgif - thank god it's friday
tgtbt - too good to be true
tfrm - thanks for remind me
thx - thanks
tia - thanks in advance
tic - tongue in cheek
tig - this is great
tiic - the idiots in charge
tla - three-letter acronym
tptb - the powers that be
ttfn - ta ta for now
ttyl - talk to you later
tq or tx or txs or thx - thanks (or thank you)
tysm - thank you so much
tyvm - thank you very much
tafn - that's all for now
tanstaafl - there ain't no such thing as a free lunch
tbh - to be honest
tcn - take care now
tfh - thread from hell
tfi - the fact is
tfm - thanks from me
tfmt - thanks from me too
tfs - thank for sharing
tgif - thank god it's friday
tgtbt - too good to be true
tfrm - thanks for remind me
thx - thanks
tia - thanks in advance
tic - tongue in cheek
tig - this is great
tiic - the idiots in charge
tla - three-letter acronym
tptb - the powers that be
ttfn - ta ta for now
ttyl - talk to you later
tq or tx or txs or thx - thanks (or thank you)
tysm - thank you so much
tyvm - thank you very much
uapita or yapita - you're a pain in the ass
ustm or ystm - you should thanks me
ustm or ystm - you should thanks me
vwp - very well put
w4w - word for word
wags - what a great story
wai - what an inspiration!
Wb - welcome back
wdalyic? - who died and left you in charge?
Wfm - works for me
wibni - wouldn't it be nice if
wp - well put
wt? - what/who the?
Wth? - what the hell?
Wtg - way to go
wtgp? - want to go private?
Wts - with that said
wu? - what's up?
Wuf? - where are you from?
Wysiwyg - what you see is what you get
wags - what a great story
wai - what an inspiration!
Wb - welcome back
wdalyic? - who died and left you in charge?
Wfm - works for me
wibni - wouldn't it be nice if
wp - well put
wt? - what/who the?
Wth? - what the hell?
Wtg - way to go
wtgp? - want to go private?
Wts - with that said
wu? - what's up?
Wuf? - where are you from?
Wysiwyg - what you see is what you get
xoxo - kisses and hugs
xx - kisses
xx - kisses
yaag - you are a geniusyabr - you are being replaced
ygbsm - you've gotta be shittin' me
ymmv - your mileage may vary
yrr - you 'r' right
yvmw - you're very much welcome
Film Lemonade Mouth
Lemonade Mouth is a 2011 musical drama film[2][3] based on the book of the same name by Mark Peter Hughes.[4] The film was directed by Patricia Riggen and written by April Blair, and stars Bridgit Mendler, Adam Hicks, Hayley Kiyoko, Naomi Scott, and Blake Michael. The Disney Channel Original Movie tells the story of five high school students who meet in detention and form a band to stand up for their beliefs and to overcome their individual and collective struggles. It premiered on April 15, 2011 on the Disney Channel.[1] It has been met with generally positive reviews, with some praising it for its many positive themes of honesty, integrity, and self-expression, and for its emphasis on the importance of the arts and of family and friendship.[2] Other reviews have described it as a "typically innocuous Disney channel flick."[5] The soundtrack was released on April 12, 2011. According to The View on Monday August 15, 2011 Lemonade Mouth is said to have a sequel to be in the making.
Five Mesa High School freshmen: Olivia White (Bridgit Mendler), Mohini "Mo" Banjaree (Naomi Scott), Charles "Charlie" Delgado (Blake Michael), Stella Yamada (Hayley Kiyoko), and Wendell "Wen" Gifford (Adam Hicks) all meet in detention. The detention administrator and music teacher Ms. Reznik (Tisha Campbell-Martin) rants over the school principal Stanley Brenigan (Christopher McDonald) having moved all extracurricular activities to the basement of the school to make room for a new gymnasium. While she is out of the room, the students start tapping out a beat and pick up instruments, and Olivia sings "Turn Up the Music".
The next day, they all meet at Dante's Pizza Parlor, where Stella informs the others that she signed them to perform at the high school's "Halloween Bash". The band forms with Olivia as lead vocalist, Stella as lead guitarist, Mo as bass guitarist, Wen as keyboardist, and Charlie as drummer.[6] They are unable to choose a band name. However, at school Olivia gets cornered by Ray Beech (Chris Brochu), lead singer and superstar of rival band Mudslide Crush, Jules (Caitlin Ribbans), and Patty (Elise Eberle), Jules' best friend. Stella spits her lemonade on Ray. Principal Brenigan rides up on his Segway PT and Ray refers to Stella as "Lemonade Mouth". Olivia, narrating, states: "And that is how we got our band name."
Later, they approach the lemonade machine but are shocked to see the sign reading "Scheduled for Removal." They discover that the school is sponsored by another sports drink and the school must get rid of all competing drink machines. Later Mo sees her boyfriend, Scott Picket (Nick Roux), who also plays with Mudslide Crush, with Jules and is deeply hurt.
At the Halloween Bash, Lemonade Mouth performs a song called "Determinate". The crowd, and even Principal Brenigan, love the song. As they finish the song, Stella makes a speech opposing Brenigan's decisions while Mo and Olivia pass back cans of Mel's Organic Lemonade. Principal Brenigan shuts them down. The following Monday, the band are called to Brenigan's office. He compliments their talent as a band, but forbids them from playing at school again. The next day, the band sees posters and banners everywhere supporting Lemonade Mouth. The principal accuses Stella of hanging the posters, and she is unable to convince him that the banners were not the band's doing. Later the band members discover that "Determinate" is playing on the radio.
Stella calls everyone to the school, where she is protesting the removal of the lemonade machine. As the group approaches, they get into a heated argument with one another and fight with the men who are removing the lemonade machine. Police arrive and the group is brought to a holding cell to wait for their parents. They agree, some reluctantly, to perform at Rising Star (an upcoming "battle of the bands" where the winner wins a record deal, even though they realize that they will not win the competition. When each member gets released from the cell, they meet with their families and reconcile with each other. Stella's mother states that she is so proud of Stella for standing up for what she believes in. Mo's parents agree to let her be more free, even though she was still in trouble.
At Rising Star, Mudslide Crush performs "Don't Ya Wish U Were Us". Lemonade Mouth takes the stage and tries to perform "Determinate," but no one except Stella can play due to their mishaps in the days before. Discouraged, they start to leave. Scott tries to go out and help, but Ray tells him he will be out of the band for good if he does. The audience then begins to sing Determinate together in support of the band. Scott, fed up with Ray, tells him he will find another band, goes out, and plays with Stella while the audience sings. Olivia, narrating, reveals that although they did not win the competition, they won "something bigger that night." Later, Mo and Scott get back together. Charlie accepts this and decides to aim his attention at a girl who has a crush on him, and Wen gives Olivia a new kitten after Nancy, her cat, dies. Wen also accepts his new stepmother as he realizes that while she's not his real mother, she cares about him.
At Wen's father's wedding, the man next to Stella tells her that Wen's dad was his old college buddy, and now he runs an organic lemonade company that has recently become extremely successful. Stella recognizes him as Mel, the name on the lemonade machine, and he agrees to donate a music hall for Ms. Reznik. The scene then cuts to Olivia walking to a mailbox to mail the whole story to her father in prison. The film closes with Lemonade Mouth performing "Breakthrough" at Madison Square Garden, with Scott as their new additional guitarist.
Five Mesa High School freshmen: Olivia White (Bridgit Mendler), Mohini "Mo" Banjaree (Naomi Scott), Charles "Charlie" Delgado (Blake Michael), Stella Yamada (Hayley Kiyoko), and Wendell "Wen" Gifford (Adam Hicks) all meet in detention. The detention administrator and music teacher Ms. Reznik (Tisha Campbell-Martin) rants over the school principal Stanley Brenigan (Christopher McDonald) having moved all extracurricular activities to the basement of the school to make room for a new gymnasium. While she is out of the room, the students start tapping out a beat and pick up instruments, and Olivia sings "Turn Up the Music".
The next day, they all meet at Dante's Pizza Parlor, where Stella informs the others that she signed them to perform at the high school's "Halloween Bash". The band forms with Olivia as lead vocalist, Stella as lead guitarist, Mo as bass guitarist, Wen as keyboardist, and Charlie as drummer.[6] They are unable to choose a band name. However, at school Olivia gets cornered by Ray Beech (Chris Brochu), lead singer and superstar of rival band Mudslide Crush, Jules (Caitlin Ribbans), and Patty (Elise Eberle), Jules' best friend. Stella spits her lemonade on Ray. Principal Brenigan rides up on his Segway PT and Ray refers to Stella as "Lemonade Mouth". Olivia, narrating, states: "And that is how we got our band name."
Later, they approach the lemonade machine but are shocked to see the sign reading "Scheduled for Removal." They discover that the school is sponsored by another sports drink and the school must get rid of all competing drink machines. Later Mo sees her boyfriend, Scott Picket (Nick Roux), who also plays with Mudslide Crush, with Jules and is deeply hurt.
At the Halloween Bash, Lemonade Mouth performs a song called "Determinate". The crowd, and even Principal Brenigan, love the song. As they finish the song, Stella makes a speech opposing Brenigan's decisions while Mo and Olivia pass back cans of Mel's Organic Lemonade. Principal Brenigan shuts them down. The following Monday, the band are called to Brenigan's office. He compliments their talent as a band, but forbids them from playing at school again. The next day, the band sees posters and banners everywhere supporting Lemonade Mouth. The principal accuses Stella of hanging the posters, and she is unable to convince him that the banners were not the band's doing. Later the band members discover that "Determinate" is playing on the radio.
Stella calls everyone to the school, where she is protesting the removal of the lemonade machine. As the group approaches, they get into a heated argument with one another and fight with the men who are removing the lemonade machine. Police arrive and the group is brought to a holding cell to wait for their parents. They agree, some reluctantly, to perform at Rising Star (an upcoming "battle of the bands" where the winner wins a record deal, even though they realize that they will not win the competition. When each member gets released from the cell, they meet with their families and reconcile with each other. Stella's mother states that she is so proud of Stella for standing up for what she believes in. Mo's parents agree to let her be more free, even though she was still in trouble.
At Rising Star, Mudslide Crush performs "Don't Ya Wish U Were Us". Lemonade Mouth takes the stage and tries to perform "Determinate," but no one except Stella can play due to their mishaps in the days before. Discouraged, they start to leave. Scott tries to go out and help, but Ray tells him he will be out of the band for good if he does. The audience then begins to sing Determinate together in support of the band. Scott, fed up with Ray, tells him he will find another band, goes out, and plays with Stella while the audience sings. Olivia, narrating, reveals that although they did not win the competition, they won "something bigger that night." Later, Mo and Scott get back together. Charlie accepts this and decides to aim his attention at a girl who has a crush on him, and Wen gives Olivia a new kitten after Nancy, her cat, dies. Wen also accepts his new stepmother as he realizes that while she's not his real mother, she cares about him.
At Wen's father's wedding, the man next to Stella tells her that Wen's dad was his old college buddy, and now he runs an organic lemonade company that has recently become extremely successful. Stella recognizes him as Mel, the name on the lemonade machine, and he agrees to donate a music hall for Ms. Reznik. The scene then cuts to Olivia walking to a mailbox to mail the whole story to her father in prison. The film closes with Lemonade Mouth performing "Breakthrough" at Madison Square Garden, with Scott as their new additional guitarist.
Gunung Tangkuban Perahu
Gunung Tangkuban Parahu atau Gunung Tangkuban Perahu adalah salah satu gunung yang terletak di provinsi Jawa Barat, Indonesia. Sekitar 20 km ke arah utara Kota Bandung, dengan rimbun pohon pinus dan hamparan kebun teh di sekitarnya, gunung Tangkuban Parahu mempunyai ketinggian setinggi 2.084 meter. Bentuk gunung ini adalah Stratovulcano dengan pusat erupsi yang berpindah dari timur ke barat. Jenis batuan yang dikeluarkan melalui letusan kebanyakan adalah lava dan sulfur, mineral yang dikeluarkan adalah sulfur belerang, mineral yang dikeluarkan saat gunung tidak aktif adalah uap belerang. Daerah Gunung Tangkuban Perahu dikelola oleh Perum Perhutanan. Suhu rata-rata hariannya adalah 17oC pada siang hari dan 2 oC pada malam hari.
Asal-usul Gunung Tangkuban Parahu dikaitkan dengan legenda Sangkuriang, yang dikisahkan jatuh cinta kepada ibunya, Dayang Sumbi. Untuk menggagalkan niat anaknya menikahinya, Dayang Sumbi mengajukan syarat supaya Sangkuriang membuat perahu dalam semalam. Ketika usahanya gagal, Sangkuriang marah dan menendang perahu itu, sehingga mendarat dalam keadaan terbalik. Perahu inilah yang kemudian membentuk Gunung Tangkuban Parahu.
Gunung Tangkuban Parahu ini termasuk gunung api aktif yang statusnya diawasi terus oleh Direktorat Vulkanologi Indonesia. Beberapa kawahnya masih menunjukkan tanda tanda keaktifan gunung ini. Di antara tanda gunung berapi ini adalah munculnya gas belerang dan sumber-sumber air panas di kaki gunung nya di antaranya adalah di kasawan Ciater, Subang.
Keberadaan gunung ini serta bentuk topografi Bandung yang berupa cekungan dengan bukit dan gunung di setiap sisinya menguatkan teori keberadaan sebuah telaga (kawah) besar yang kini merupakan kawasan Bandung. Diyakini oleh para ahli geologi bahwa kawasan dataran tinggi Bandung dengan ketinggian kurang lebih 709 m diatas permukaan laut merupakan sisa dari letusan gunung api purba yang dikenal sebagai Gunung Sunda dan Gunung Tangkuban Parahu merupakan sisa Gunung Sunda purba yang masih aktif. Fenomena seperti ini dapat dilihat pada Gunung Krakatau di Selat Sunda dan kawasan Ngorongoro di Tanzania, Afrika. Sehingga legenda Sangkuriang yang merupakan cerita masyarakat kawasan itu diyakini merupakan sebuah dokumentasi masyarakat kawasan Gunung sunda purba terhadap peristiwa pada saat itu.
Asal-usul Gunung Tangkuban Parahu dikaitkan dengan legenda Sangkuriang, yang dikisahkan jatuh cinta kepada ibunya, Dayang Sumbi. Untuk menggagalkan niat anaknya menikahinya, Dayang Sumbi mengajukan syarat supaya Sangkuriang membuat perahu dalam semalam. Ketika usahanya gagal, Sangkuriang marah dan menendang perahu itu, sehingga mendarat dalam keadaan terbalik. Perahu inilah yang kemudian membentuk Gunung Tangkuban Parahu.
Gunung Tangkuban Parahu ini termasuk gunung api aktif yang statusnya diawasi terus oleh Direktorat Vulkanologi Indonesia. Beberapa kawahnya masih menunjukkan tanda tanda keaktifan gunung ini. Di antara tanda gunung berapi ini adalah munculnya gas belerang dan sumber-sumber air panas di kaki gunung nya di antaranya adalah di kasawan Ciater, Subang.
Keberadaan gunung ini serta bentuk topografi Bandung yang berupa cekungan dengan bukit dan gunung di setiap sisinya menguatkan teori keberadaan sebuah telaga (kawah) besar yang kini merupakan kawasan Bandung. Diyakini oleh para ahli geologi bahwa kawasan dataran tinggi Bandung dengan ketinggian kurang lebih 709 m diatas permukaan laut merupakan sisa dari letusan gunung api purba yang dikenal sebagai Gunung Sunda dan Gunung Tangkuban Parahu merupakan sisa Gunung Sunda purba yang masih aktif. Fenomena seperti ini dapat dilihat pada Gunung Krakatau di Selat Sunda dan kawasan Ngorongoro di Tanzania, Afrika. Sehingga legenda Sangkuriang yang merupakan cerita masyarakat kawasan itu diyakini merupakan sebuah dokumentasi masyarakat kawasan Gunung sunda purba terhadap peristiwa pada saat itu.
Republik Indonesia disingkat RI atau Indonesia adalah negara di Asia Tenggara, yang dilintasi garis khatulistiwa dan berada di antara benua Asia dan Australia serta antara Samudra Pasifik dan Samudra Hindia. Indonesia adalah negara kepulauan terbesar di dunia yang terdiri dari 13.487 pulau [5] [6], oleh karena itu ia disebut juga sebagai Nusantara ("pulau luar", di samping Jawa yang dianggap pusat).[7] Dengan populasi sebesar 222 juta jiwa pada tahun 2006,[8] Indonesia adalah negara berpenduduk terbesar keempat di dunia dan negara yang berpenduduk Muslim terbesar di dunia, meskipun secara resmi bukanlah negara Islam. Bentuk pemerintahan Indonesia adalah republik, dengan Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat, Dewan Perwakilan Daerah dan Presiden yang dipilih langsung. Ibukota negara ialah Jakarta. Indonesia berbatasan dengan Malaysia di Pulau Kalimantan, dengan Papua Nugini di Pulau Papua dan dengan Timor Leste di Pulau Timor. Negara tetangga lainnya adalah Singapura, Filipina, Australia, dan wilayah persatuan Kepulauan Andaman dan Nikobar di India.
Sejarah Indonesia banyak dipengaruhi oleh bangsa lainnya. Kepulauan Indonesia menjadi wilayah perdagangan penting setidaknya sejak abad ke-7, yaitu ketika Kerajaan Sriwijaya di Palembang menjalin hubungan agama dan perdagangan dengan Tiongkok dan India. Kerajaan-kerajaan Hindu dan Buddha telah tumbuh pada awal abad Masehi, diikuti para pedagang yang membawa agama Islam, serta berbagai kekuatan Eropa yang saling bertempur untuk memonopoli perdagangan rempah-rempah Maluku semasa era penjelajahan samudra. Setelah berada di bawah penjajahan Belanda, Indonesia yang saat itu bernama Hindia Belanda menyatakan kemerdekaannya di akhir Perang Dunia II. Selanjutnya Indonesia mendapat berbagai hambatan, ancaman dan tantangan dari bencana alam, korupsi, separatisme, proses demokratisasi dan periode perubahan ekonomi yang pesat.
Dari Sabang sampai Merauke, Indonesia terdiri dari berbagai suku, bahasa dan agama yang berbeda. Suku Jawa adalah grup etnis terbesar dan secara politis paling dominan. Semboyan nasional Indonesia, "Bhinneka tunggal ika" ("Berbeda-beda tetapi tetap satu"), berarti keberagaman yang membentuk negara. Selain memiliki populasi padat dan wilayah yang luas, Indonesia memiliki wilayah alam yang mendukung tingkat keanekaragaman hayati terbesar kedua di dunia.
Kata "Indonesia" berasal dari kata dalam bahasa Latin yaitu Indus yang berarti "Hindia" dan kata dalam bahasa Yunani nesos yang berarti "pulau".[9] Jadi, kata Indonesia berarti wilayah Hindia kepulauan, atau kepulauan yang berada di Hindia, yang menunjukkan bahwa nama ini terbentuk jauh sebelum Indonesia menjadi negara berdaulat.[10] Pada tahun 1850, George Earl, seorang etnolog berkebangsaan Inggris, awalnya mengusulkan istilah Indunesia dan Malayunesia untuk penduduk "Kepulauan Hindia atau Kepulauan Melayu".[11] Murid dari Earl, James Richardson Logan, menggunakan kata Indonesia sebagai sinonim dari Kepulauan India.[12] Namun, penulisan akademik Belanda di media Hindia Belanda tidak menggunakan kata Indonesia, tetapi istilah Kepulauan Melayu (Maleische Archipel); Hindia Timur Belanda (Nederlandsch Oost Indiƫ), atau Hindia (Indiƫ); Timur (de Oost); dan bahkan Insulinde (istilah ini diperkenalkan tahun 1860 dalam novel Max Havelaar (1859), ditulis oleh Multatuli, mengenai kritik terhadap kolonialisme Belanda).[7]
Sejak tahun 1900, nama Indonesia menjadi lebih umum pada lingkungan akademik di luar Belanda, dan golongan nasionalis Indonesia menggunakannya untuk ekspresi politik.[7] Adolf Bastian dari Universitas Berlin memasyarakatkan nama ini melalui buku Indonesien oder die Inseln des Malayischen Archipels, 1884–1894. Pelajar Indonesia pertama yang menggunakannya ialah Suwardi Suryaningrat (Ki Hajar Dewantara), yaitu ketika ia mendirikan kantor berita di Belanda yang bernama Indonesisch Pers Bureau di tahun 1913
Sejarah Indonesia banyak dipengaruhi oleh bangsa lainnya. Kepulauan Indonesia menjadi wilayah perdagangan penting setidaknya sejak abad ke-7, yaitu ketika Kerajaan Sriwijaya di Palembang menjalin hubungan agama dan perdagangan dengan Tiongkok dan India. Kerajaan-kerajaan Hindu dan Buddha telah tumbuh pada awal abad Masehi, diikuti para pedagang yang membawa agama Islam, serta berbagai kekuatan Eropa yang saling bertempur untuk memonopoli perdagangan rempah-rempah Maluku semasa era penjelajahan samudra. Setelah berada di bawah penjajahan Belanda, Indonesia yang saat itu bernama Hindia Belanda menyatakan kemerdekaannya di akhir Perang Dunia II. Selanjutnya Indonesia mendapat berbagai hambatan, ancaman dan tantangan dari bencana alam, korupsi, separatisme, proses demokratisasi dan periode perubahan ekonomi yang pesat.
Dari Sabang sampai Merauke, Indonesia terdiri dari berbagai suku, bahasa dan agama yang berbeda. Suku Jawa adalah grup etnis terbesar dan secara politis paling dominan. Semboyan nasional Indonesia, "Bhinneka tunggal ika" ("Berbeda-beda tetapi tetap satu"), berarti keberagaman yang membentuk negara. Selain memiliki populasi padat dan wilayah yang luas, Indonesia memiliki wilayah alam yang mendukung tingkat keanekaragaman hayati terbesar kedua di dunia.
Kata "Indonesia" berasal dari kata dalam bahasa Latin yaitu Indus yang berarti "Hindia" dan kata dalam bahasa Yunani nesos yang berarti "pulau".[9] Jadi, kata Indonesia berarti wilayah Hindia kepulauan, atau kepulauan yang berada di Hindia, yang menunjukkan bahwa nama ini terbentuk jauh sebelum Indonesia menjadi negara berdaulat.[10] Pada tahun 1850, George Earl, seorang etnolog berkebangsaan Inggris, awalnya mengusulkan istilah Indunesia dan Malayunesia untuk penduduk "Kepulauan Hindia atau Kepulauan Melayu".[11] Murid dari Earl, James Richardson Logan, menggunakan kata Indonesia sebagai sinonim dari Kepulauan India.[12] Namun, penulisan akademik Belanda di media Hindia Belanda tidak menggunakan kata Indonesia, tetapi istilah Kepulauan Melayu (Maleische Archipel); Hindia Timur Belanda (Nederlandsch Oost Indiƫ), atau Hindia (Indiƫ); Timur (de Oost); dan bahkan Insulinde (istilah ini diperkenalkan tahun 1860 dalam novel Max Havelaar (1859), ditulis oleh Multatuli, mengenai kritik terhadap kolonialisme Belanda).[7]
Sejak tahun 1900, nama Indonesia menjadi lebih umum pada lingkungan akademik di luar Belanda, dan golongan nasionalis Indonesia menggunakannya untuk ekspresi politik.[7] Adolf Bastian dari Universitas Berlin memasyarakatkan nama ini melalui buku Indonesien oder die Inseln des Malayischen Archipels, 1884–1894. Pelajar Indonesia pertama yang menggunakannya ialah Suwardi Suryaningrat (Ki Hajar Dewantara), yaitu ketika ia mendirikan kantor berita di Belanda yang bernama Indonesisch Pers Bureau di tahun 1913
Jumat, 04 November 2011
Pulau Komodo
Pulau Komodo adalah sebuah pulau yang terletak di Kepulauan Nusa Tenggara. Pulau Komodo dikenal sebagai habitat asli hewan komodo. Pulau ini juga merupakan kawasan Taman Nasional Komodo yang dikelola oleh Pemerintah Pusat. Pulau Komodo berada di sebelah timur Pulau Sumbawa, yang dipisahkan oleh Selat Sape.
Secara administratif, pulau ini termasuk wilayah Kecamatan Komodo, Kabupaten Manggarai Barat, Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia. Pulau Komodo merupakan ujung paling barat Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur, berbatasan dengan Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat.
Di Pulau Komodo, hewan komodo hidup dan berkembang biak dengan baik. Hingga Agustus 2009, di pulau ini terdapat sekitar 1300 ekor komodo. Ditambah dengan pulau lain, seperti Pulau Rinca dan dan Gili Motang, jumlah mereka keseluruhan mencapai sekitar 2500 ekor. Ada pula sekitar 100 ekor komodo di Cagar Alam Wae Wuul di daratan Pulau Flores tapi tidak termasuk wilayah Taman Nasional Komodo.
Selain komodo, pulau ini juga menyimpan eksotisme flora yang beragam kayu sepang yang oleh warga sekitar digunakan sebagi obat dan bahan pewarna pakaian, pohon nitak ini atau sterculia oblongata di yakini berguna sebagai obat dan bijinya gurih dan enak seperti kacang polong.
Pada tahun 1910 orang Belanda menamai pulau di sisi selatan Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur ini dengan julukan Pulau Komodo. Cerita ini berawal dari Letnan Steyn van Hens Broek yang mencoba membuktikan laporan pasukan Belanda tentang adanya hewan besar menyerupai naga di pulau tersebut. Steyn lantas membunuh seekor komodo tersebut dan membawa dokumentasinya ke Museum and Botanical Garden di Bogor untuk diteliti.
Tahun 2009, Taman Nasional Komodo dinobatkan menjadi finalis "New Seven Wonders of Nature" yang baru diumumkan pada tahun 2010 melalui voting secara online di www.N7W.com.
Secara administratif, pulau ini termasuk wilayah Kecamatan Komodo, Kabupaten Manggarai Barat, Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia. Pulau Komodo merupakan ujung paling barat Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur, berbatasan dengan Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat.
Di Pulau Komodo, hewan komodo hidup dan berkembang biak dengan baik. Hingga Agustus 2009, di pulau ini terdapat sekitar 1300 ekor komodo. Ditambah dengan pulau lain, seperti Pulau Rinca dan dan Gili Motang, jumlah mereka keseluruhan mencapai sekitar 2500 ekor. Ada pula sekitar 100 ekor komodo di Cagar Alam Wae Wuul di daratan Pulau Flores tapi tidak termasuk wilayah Taman Nasional Komodo.
Selain komodo, pulau ini juga menyimpan eksotisme flora yang beragam kayu sepang yang oleh warga sekitar digunakan sebagi obat dan bahan pewarna pakaian, pohon nitak ini atau sterculia oblongata di yakini berguna sebagai obat dan bijinya gurih dan enak seperti kacang polong.
Pada tahun 1910 orang Belanda menamai pulau di sisi selatan Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur ini dengan julukan Pulau Komodo. Cerita ini berawal dari Letnan Steyn van Hens Broek yang mencoba membuktikan laporan pasukan Belanda tentang adanya hewan besar menyerupai naga di pulau tersebut. Steyn lantas membunuh seekor komodo tersebut dan membawa dokumentasinya ke Museum and Botanical Garden di Bogor untuk diteliti.
Tahun 2009, Taman Nasional Komodo dinobatkan menjadi finalis "New Seven Wonders of Nature" yang baru diumumkan pada tahun 2010 melalui voting secara online di www.N7W.com.
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